
Welcome to BiotechWatch.gr!

BiotechWatch.gr constitutes an effort of counter-information and criticism on Biotechnology and Genetic Engineering as applied in agriculture, food production, pharmaceutics and technological solutions for climate crisis.

Additionally, BiotechWatch.gr functions as Observatory of Biotechnology in Greece, identifying the activities of the Biotech main actors at corporate, academic and political level.

BiotechWatch.gr is supported by a number of individuals actively involved in social and rural movements, while it collaborates with corresponding networks, organisations and observatories abroad, such as Grain, GMWatch and others.

The web page design and technical support is based on the voluntary work of Pointblank Team using open source software while the web-page operation is non-profitable and without exterior funding.

Use of the BiotechWatch.gr material is free, as long sources are acknowledged and you let us know about it*.


For further info please write to: info(at)biotechwatch.gr


Articles in English:

- Protecting Seeds within Greek Crisis (2012)

-"The End of farm-saved Seeds?" brochure (2012)

- A quick glimpse on Greece's present state of gmo and biotech nexus (2010)

- New EU Seed Legislation: Threat to local varieties, beneficial to patents and repressive technologies (2010) [In Spanish: here]



*BiotechWatch.gr contains certain texts and pictures whose copyright does not belong to the site administrators, therefore their use may require authorisation by their authors-creators.